Friday, April 21, 2006

Mylene Farmer ."Pourvu qu'elles soient douces" 1988

Babelfish translation? 'Provided that they are soft'. Umm. This is an interesting video by the 'French-Canadian Madonna' - well when I say video it's more like a short movie - set in the Seven Years War would you believe - it's a bit risque - there is some nudity - but not crude - it's a rare incident where 18thc warfare and popular music combine so watch it for research purposes. . . it ends in a battle that's pretty atmospheric so soldier on through the plot which seems partly based on a scene in the film Revolution where the British officer has a strange relationship with his drummer boys and the finale is quite worth seeing. Of course drummer boys were a Victorian concept and have nothing to do with the 18th century. This video could be said to offer and insight into what French people think of the British, though.

I would think on the whole the video was inspired by Barry Lyndon - it has the 'look' but the costumes let it down (Barry Lyndon was much more of a hit in Continental Europe than the UK or US I was told by none other than David Chandler who worked on the project).

This video I heard about from someone involved in the 18thc military side; after a reenactment I organised there was a full house chez nous of American and French reenactors. The French produced this video which they'd done - it seemed a far cry from the sort of culture the Americans were used to. There is a prequel to it - Libertine - if that takes your fancy. Stills and write-up of the videos of Mylene Farmer here

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