Friday, July 28, 2006

Ferret Couture

Now that Paris Hilton has a pet ferret - Cinderella - they are considered officially fashionable. But we knew that already didn't we? Anyway jumping on the bandwagon Breakfast news featured Ferret Couture - a company that specialises in fashion for fuzzies. Looks pretty good with camo clothing, hoodies and so on. Worth checking out if you are thinking of getting a ferret.
The American experience with ferrets is very different to ours - they don't have a tradition of hunting with them and most people keep them neutered and descented living indoors like a cat. In the UK they tend to be kept outdoors though its not unknown in urban environments to have indoor ferrets, having the run of the place. There is evidence that ferrets occupied the same space occupied by cats in medieval times gradually being usurped by the feline, so maybe a comeback is overdue. Anyway, time to go feed ours...

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