Saturday, October 07, 2006

Royal Proclamation of 1763

Today is the anniversary of this historic decree in 1763 - an event that may have started the American Revolution and so here's another pic of me. It was a British proclamation that drew a line across America and guaranteed no further expansion could be done by any colonists onto native land. This was a response to the uprising of Pontiac. Of course it wasn't popular and only lasted as long as the British ruled America.
The photo is me and a pal reenacting native warriors at the time of the American Revolution at Firle Place. Most natives sided with the British to their eventual cost during the American Revolution, the American response was to play up and exaggerate Indian atrocities in the press demonising the British along the way. Propaganda like this was vital in swaying opinion abroad, in France in particular. The rest is history.
As a result of losing the Revolution many natives were displaced ending up in Canada and elsewhere. Doing events like this is more about talking to the public about primitive camping and history than running about fightin' and shooting. More like a talk on the introduction to the 18th century history of say, the Iroquois than going 'woo woo'. Honestly.
A list of links for reenacting Natives and related hobbies mainly for the US is here.

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