It's only 8 years to the centenary of the Great War. Ok that may be a long time but looking ahead to 2014 I thought maybe it would be interesting to look at the armies at the start, and where better to start than Belgium. Belgium's unexpectedly strong and able resistance threw the German invasion timetable off for good. They started the war in uniforms more suited to the Crimean war - see pic from the excellent
'Great War in a Different Light site'.Eventually the uniform changed but not before Belgian Guides, armoured cars and the famous Civic troops forced to disarm by the German deicision to treat them as terorrists were the admiration of the British and French.
Does anyone reenact these troops? I'll search the web to find out and let you know.
Here's some repro stuff that looks good.
Belgian Armoured Cars in RussiaFort Liezele page Belgisch Leger 1830-1914Forts of 1914
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