I've been browsing the various Swedish groups seeing which ones do the Great Northern War - why? seeing the clip from the Sovereign's Servant (see below) affected me enough to search out more on the 'Karoliner' - the Swedish soldier of the reign of Charles XII. Trouble is I don't speak Swedish and the online translators are a bit clumsy. I mainly mention all this so you can see how my mind works - I see a great epic movie and then I want to reenact it. This has been the way since I was a child and watched films like the Alamo at the Gaumont and then go and refight it afterwards in the cattle market buildings behind. But I digress. It's hard to separate the mythology from fact with regards the Karoliner but certainly legend has them as furiously aggressive on the battlefield in contrast to the norm of the time which was defensive relying on firepower rather than shock.
Check out the Links to see what is going on in Swedens historical scene.
Another battle scene from Sovereign's Servant - prelude to the clip below showing the Karoliners forming up.
Pic from the Swedish Army Museum