Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Hey! Elastica 'Eat Your Heart Out'

Can't find out much on the web about this band but finding this clip has been something of a pleasant surprise. They are from the early-mid 80s and I think they were Scottish possibly from Glasgow. Sounds pretty dated now though. I think this clip is from the Oxford Roadshow. They didn't really hit the big time but we liked them and bought their records and I've occassionally looked for this clip unsuccessfully so whoever taped it deserves a medal. What I want now is to see Danny and the Nogoodniks when they were on telly -and also the Cortinas when they were on Points West doing 'Television Families' The singer Jeremy Valentine was interviewed after playing 'We also do a song called Fascist dictator; it's a love song', if my memory serves me correctly.