Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sovereign's Servant Battle of Poltava Part 3

Maybe I was a little too quick to celebrate this film - call it the 'Last of the Mohicans/Sharpe' effect - people who know little about the period (like me) are going to love it but if you have a deep knowledge of the history, tactics, clothing you are not going to like it. This clip starts off the with the type of hand to hand fighting that only happens in movie battles. Though I do like the overall look of this movie I am probably being patronising, liking it because its not Hollywood but it probably is more Patriot than Barry Lyndon. Anyway soon I will have a copy to watch though it's not available in the West as a subtitled version I shall have to guess what they're saying. Check out the battle scene anyway. Parts 1 and 2 are also up.