Monday, June 26, 2006

Barry Lyndon mistakes

I watched this film - probably the best film about the 18th century for the umpteenth time last night and this time I couldn't help notice a couple of mistakes. Mostly the film is very historically accurate and the mistakes are kind of trivial. First one I noticed was the highwayman Captain Feeney's spectacles - they were of a modern shape - your basic granny frames - not 18th century frames at all. The other was when the narrator said that Lord Bullingdon died in the Kingdom of Belgium - this did not exist until the mid 19th century. Apparently one of the paintings on the wall in one scene has a train in it but I didn't notice that.
There are a lot of military mistakes but I won't go into that too much as compromises have to made in terms of budget and to make things thrilling - most annoying though is the sound of the muskets being fired from the burning building - sounds like a modern rifle.
Don't let this stop you buying this on dvd - it's one of my all-time favourite movies that gets better every time you watch it.
IMDB here
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