Monday, August 15, 2005

'Steamboy' Review imdb facts here
Set in Victorian England (1866) this is a fantasy based around wonderfully futuristic inventions that are all steam based, if that makes sense...? The hero, Ray Steam, is a boy genius inventor whose father and grandfather, also inventors (and rivals of Stephenson) have been working for the evil O'Hara corporation creating weapons which are being unveiled at the Great Exhibition in London. This movie has been eagerly anticipated and its worth the wait. Hardly a commercial subject for a family film this has enough steam powered robots, flying machines and tanks to keep any steam enthusiast happy though you might get a little tired of the 'she's going to blow' type scenario. A well rendered film that will have your jaw droppping at times. If you dont believe me buy or rent a copy and see for yourself. Try one of these online rental free tryouts if your local store wont have it. Im sure they are the way forward for watching foreign movies. This is my favourite film this year so far after 'A Very Long Engagement' which I'll review next.

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