We got ourselves an ethernet modem, costing about 15 quid - so now we can play Playstation 2 games online. First up is to try all the FPS (see above link for a definition) games we have -
Timesplitters 3, which I found annoying and too fast and furious, Tom Clancey's Ghost Recon (complete with headset to talk to other players) which I found too technical and too much like hard work,
Medal of Honor Rising Sun which was good but slightly annoying, and the best so far,
Call of Duty 2 with its expansive maps and cool graphics. Of course I keep getting stuffed as I am not the sort of hardcore gamer that obviously the other players from around the world are so if you are inept - get in touch and we'll fight each other, ineptly. To see a little movie that seems to sum up the genre click here to see
FPS Doug - Boom! Headshot!!
It's quite a unique exeperience especially with the headset working - you hear all sorts of ambient chitchat from around the world - talking about the action in this small world... I was getting French and the sound of a babycrying - but after a while your nerves become quite frazzled... the sort of jitters you might get after driving - sometimes this is eased by the 'huh huh huh' coming through the headset. Sometimes you hear your name being called - thats surreal but explained by the fact that your i.d. appears above your figure and readable to other players. Apparently its very newbish to snipe people and also to go around firing loads of rockets everywhere. I am getting better but it is confusing remembering which side you are on, but on the whole a pleasant believable experience. It's quite a heart stopping moment if you suddenly find yourself in a room full of bad guys but not enough for real sweat to break out.
No doubt I'll get bored soon once Ive played all the different scenarios, and the sun will come out and the real world will beckon once again.