Sunday, April 23, 2023

The early days of the Bad Detectives


Me about the time the group started

This is how I remember it started. Charlie Fenby was to be the original singer with Mark on guitar. I was asked to play harmonica but the first practice Charlie didn't really know any lyrics so I started singing as I knew the words to songs. I was 16 and it was 1976 I reckon. Still at school. Mark had a tiny Leo amp and we had no vocal amplification. Our first purchase was a Mic and stand. 

We used to use the Youth wing Frome to practice in and we had a good set up with that. I think it was me who suggested Ivan on bass. He was in my class at school so I knew he liked decent music. Next recruit was Bunse who was very young and did not look 18 which he wasn't he was about 15. But no-one cared about being underage in those days. Our first proper gig (as opposed to a party) was the Three Swans pub. It went very well. Still putting vocals and harp in the guitar amp 2nd channel. Ivan made a home made bass amp which was chipboard and it exploded one night. In time I bought a small Wem PA that was a wise investment as it was in constant use over the next few years.

1978 left to right Ivan me and Bunse in front Mark (Henry)

Me at our first gig at a party at a farm near Bruton.