Friday, August 26, 2022

Effi Briest Newly Weds song

This is a post from 2007 so the links might not work.

Our new favourite band! On tour at the moment. Susan read a review of them in the Guardian of all places and tracked them down - they're brilliant - absolutely amazing. Noticed Everett True gave them a good review in Plan B. They're from Brooklyn. There is a quality here that is missing from most bands - they have something unique and it works. This song is a cover of Native American Jim Pepper's song based on a peyote chant which I haven't heard but the chanting made me look up, having a familiar ring to me having done more than my fair share of listening to Indian songs and chants. Check out the version on their Myspace it is spot-on. The A-side is great too. If their name is familiar it's a German classic novel and a Fassbinder movie starring Hannah Schygulla. Punkcast info on the performance Hear Jim Pepper original here