Monday, November 09, 2020

When we had pinball


not our tables but they were like these

Back in the early 80s we had 2 pinballs in our spare room. It came about when we bumped into an old school friend Kim Perkins who since school had amassed a lot of fruit machines, pintables and juke boxes. But more importantly he had a van. He became our roadie taking us to two gigs in South Somerset. He offered them to us and we were happy to say yes. We had a room where we had nothing so an ideal place. Two old 60s pinballs. Can't remember the names and there are no photos. Getting them upstairs was not easy. But playing in the dark in the middle of the night lit only by the table was priceless. People used to come to our house and go straight upstairs and we didnt mind. We didn't take any money - we kept the front flaps open. Eventually we grew bored with them and needed the space so Kim came and got them back but it is a happy memory.