Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Animals & men support Toyah 7/3/80

So our next date on our 40 years ago cycle is March 7. Supporting Toyah at Bath pavilion. Our biggest gig with about 3000 people. Sue got us the gig. Didn't start too well - Toyah told us we would have to pay them £50 or we wouldn't be able to use their PA. We were being paid £40 for the gig. So we coughed up. I wondered whether to wear my spectacles and decided to wear them and when we walked onstage someone shouted Joe 90! We went down pretty well although the sound was pretty bad. First gig with Puddle. Geoff was in the audience and came backstage after. It was a bit like a party in the dressing room. Toyah went and did her set but midway through the performance the electricity went out - no sound or lights. They blamed us. It wasn't any of us but it kind of ruined the joy of doing the gig. Well that was it. Covered by Bath fanzine Spuno