Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Fall Lay of the Land 1984 OGWT

 Album on Spotify released October 84

Here. TV was November 40 years ago. This was a time when I wasn't very interested in punk music but I remember Duncan raving about this performance. The Wiki on the album claims the chanting is derived from the Quatermass Conclusion. I remember this show. Quatermass is set in a near future in which large numbers of young people are joining a cult known as the Planet People who gather at prehistoric sites, believing they will be transported to a better life on another planet.

This beautiful tree
Boo hoo
Give up living
They give in
On The Buses, up the stair
By the television
Pretend to learn
Where's the lay of the land
My son
Where's the lay of the land
My son
What's the lie of the land
My son