Friday, July 07, 2023

Radstock bomb

 I picked up a book a Grim Almanac of Somerset from a charity shop. There are a few Radstock mentions. Here is one. I should add that this was during the 26 Strike.

The alertness of George Short 1926

   A night watchman at Middle Pit colliery in the centre of Radstock foiled an attempt to blow up two pits in the area.

    Middle Pit and Norton Hill Colliery had both experienced problems with people pilfering coal and consequently appointed night watchmen to try to catch the culprits red handed. During the night of 29th of October Short spotted a man crouching near the colliery headgear. When Short shouted, the man ran away. The night watchman took off in hot pursuit but eventually lost his quarry to the dark rainy night. Returning to the spot where he had first noticed the man Short found two canisters, with fuses attached. Nearby lay a piece of sacking, in which was wrapped another larger canister. Short immediately informed the police and pit manager of his discovery and, when the canisters were examined they were found to contain highly explosive material, fixed with fuses and detonators ready for lighting. The larger canister was labelled 'Norton Hill Colliery' suggesting that it was intended for use there. Had the explosives been successfully detonated at Middle Pit they would almost certainly have blown up the adjoining gasworks and devastated the town of Radstock.