As today is the anniversary of the disestablishment of the Christian church in the French Revolution in 1793 you can feast your eyes on this still from the French movie Les Chouans. The Revolution was a great time for radical ideas - a new calendar, new feast days and huge parades celebrating 'reason'. I also love the fashions, particularly those worn by the Sans-Culottes. We nearly had a band in the 80s that was going to wear French revolution fashion and have a guillotine on stage, but alas Reason won the day and it was not to be.

The best book on the subject 'Fashion in the French Revolution' and has that title is by Aileen Ribeiro, and though now out of print should be available through library loan.
To see French reenactors the 18eme de ligne from Orchies near Lille reenact this period check out their gallery. It was in their company that we spent the night of 14th July 1989 and a fine night it was.
What is a Chouan? Here's a page of a group I haven't encountered recreating them.
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