Saturday, June 24, 2006

Cor Gawr

Middle daughter Celia got invited to the Cor Gawr at Stonehenge this morning so I thought I'd share a photo or two. It's a small gathering of the Druid network where a circle is created and various incantations and so on are performed. The official view is
The Gorsedd of Bards of Cor Gawr was first inaugurated at Stonehenge in the late 1990s. Since then the Gorsedd has regularly gathered at the temple at the festivals of Midsummer and Midwinter. Because the Access Committee has now allowed for the temple to be completely open overnight and for the dawn of the Summer Solstice, the Gorsedd of Cor Gawr, meeting closer to the traditional date of Midsummer (usually 24 June), offers members of the Druid and Pagan community an opportunity for focused ritual, meditation and celebration with a smaller group. As it works on a Special Access pass, the Cor Gawr rituals are ticketed events, with a number limit of 100 people.
A horn of meade was passed around and she had a great time. Her reenactment background made her notice modern shoes under the robes but I suppose that's just a side issue. The weather was typically cloudy.
Link to learn more about the Druid network.

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